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Cranial osteopathy: the treatment that can help you get rid of your migraines and headaches

Migraines and headaches are a very common problem that can affect your quality of life. If you suffer from these issues, it’s important to seek treatment to help relieve pain and prevent recurrences.

Cranial osteopathy is a manual therapy that can be very effective in relieving migraines and headaches. At Fisio Clínica Salinas, we have qualified professionals who can help improve your health with cranial osteopathy.

What is cranial osteopathy?

Cranial osteopathy is a manual therapy that focuses on the structure of the skull and spine. The osteopath works on the skull sutures and spinal joints to improve mobility and circulation.

This therapy is based on the idea that the skull and spine are interconnected, and when there is a restriction in one area, it can affect other areas of the body.

Cranial osteopathy is a branch of osteopathy that focuses on treating cranial structures and the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord. It was developed by American osteopath William Garner Sutherland in the early 20th century. The fundamental premise of cranial osteopathy is that the skull, spine, and membranes surrounding the central nervous system are interconnected and can affect overall health.

Cranial osteopaths use gentle and non-invasive techniques to assess and treat restrictions of movement and tension in cranial structures and membranes. This is done by applying gentle pressure and manipulation with hands to release restrictions and restore balance in the musculoskeletal system and physiological functions.

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cranial osteopathy woman

How can cranial osteopathy help with migraines and headaches?

Cranial osteopathy can help with migraines and headaches in several ways:

  • Improving blood circulation.

    • Cranial osteopathy can help improve blood circulation in the brain, which may reduce inflammation and pain.
  • Releasing muscle tension.

    • Cranial osteopathy can help release muscle tensions in the neck, head, and face, which may help alleviate pain.
  • Improving the balance of cranial structures.

    • Cranial osteopathy can help improve the balance of cranial structures, which may reduce migraine symptoms.

Who can benefit from cranial osteopathy?

Cranial osteopathy can be beneficial for people of all ages suffering from migraines and headaches. However, it is especially effective for individuals who have:

  • Migraines with aura

  • Tension headaches

  • Stress-related headaches

  • Sinusitis-related headaches

How does a cranial osteopathy session work?

A cranial osteopathy session typically lasts between 30 and 60 minutes. The osteopath will start by conducting an assessment to determine areas of restriction in your body. Then, they will use their hands to apply gentle pressure on the skull sutures and spinal joints.

Cranial osteopathy sessions are often very relaxing. You may experience a tingling or pressure sensation during the session.

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cranial osteopathy man

How many cranial osteopathy sessions are necessary?

The number of cranial osteopathy sessions needed to alleviate migraines and headaches depends on the severity of symptoms. Generally, between 5 and 10 sessions are recommended.

Fisio Clínica Salinas

At Fisio Clínica Salinas, we have qualified professionals who can help improve your health with cranial osteopathy. Our osteopaths have over 20 years of experience in treating migraines and headaches.

We have modern and comfortable facilities where you can undergo your treatment safely and effectively.

If you’re considering trying cranial osteopathy to relieve your migraines and headaches, contact us so we can advise you on the treatment that best suits your needs.


Cranial osteopathy is a manual therapy that can be very effective in relieving migraines and headaches. At Fisio Clínica Salinas, we have qualified professionals who can help improve your health with cranial osteopathy.

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Fisio Physio Clinic SalinasCranial osteopathy: the treatment that can help you get rid of your migraines and headaches