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5 years of Fisio Physio Clinic Salinas

Five years ago today, we launched our website

It is a time to reflect on the journey we have traveled and to thank everyone who has accompanied us on this journey.

In 2018, we launched our website with the goal of reaching a wider audience.

Since then, we have grown and evolved

We have expanded our team of professionals, incorporated new techniques and treatments, and developed an effective and personalized work method.

In these five years, we have helped many people improve their health and well-being.

We have seen our patients regain their mobility, strength, and quality of life

We are very grateful for the recognition and affection of our clients. Thanks to them, we can continue to grow and improve.

To all of you who have accompanied us on this journey, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Fisio Physio Clinic Salinas
Tu salud en buenas manos

Web Fisio Clinic Salinas

Web Fisio Clinic Salinas

New blog content!

At Fisio Physio Clinic Salinas, we are committed to the health and well-being of our clients and friends. That’s why we are taking a leap forward and will be offering useful information on our blog about new treatments, your health, why certain physical discomforts occur, and how to solve them.

On our blog, you will find articles on:

  • New treatments: We will keep you up-to-date on the latest news in physiotherapy, osteopathy, and other complementary therapies.
  • Your health: We will give you tips to improve your health and well-being, both physically and mentally.
  • Why certain physical discomforts occur: We will explain the causes of the most common health problems.
  • How to solve them: We will offer personalized solutions so you can regain your health and well-being.


**We are confident that our new content will be of great use to you. Follow our blog to stay up-to-date on everything!

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Fisio Physio Clinic Salinas5 years of Fisio Physio Clinic Salinas